When donors give online, how do you thank them?
I hope you use the automated receipt function of your donor platform to send an inspiring, personalized thank-you email.

Catholic Relief Services shows you how. The screenshot above shows just some of CRS’s best practices:

  • Photo showing an aid recipient (Ask any theater pro: Kids and dogs steal the show.)
  • Headline focusing on the donor and his or her contribution
  • Personalization with the donor’s name
  • Lead paragraph emphasizing how awesome the donor is rather than how awesome CRS is.
Maybe the best thing about this email is the subject line, not shown above:
  • “You’re here. We’re glad.” Way to make the donor feel special!
The email has many other great features you can’t see in the photo:
  • The message is short.
  • It goes on with two sentences about what CRS does but quickly circles back to  the boy in the picture, offering his name and a link to his full story.
  • A Learn More button takes the place of a bunch of paragraphs about CRS’s great work.
  • The message is signed by the CEO.
  • Then comes a testimonial from another small-dollar donor to the effect that our small gifts, put together, make a big difference
Granted, Catholic Relief Services is an international organization with a budget north of $900 million. Still, the basics are within the reach of any nonprofit, no matter how small.
  • Send a thank-you note automatically instead of, or in addition to, the receipt acknowledgment.
  • Focus the thanks on the donor rather than on your organization. If you don’t know how, contact me!
Kids and dogs are nice but not necessary. If you face challenges in telling stories about how program recipients benefit from your services, let’s talk. 
Meanwhile, just get that thank-you note out there. You know it’s the right thing to do.