Thesaurus? Yes, No, Sometimes?

Do you use Microsoft Word’s thesaurus feature? If so, you’ve probably discovered its strengths (fortes, assets, métiers, gifts) and limitations (drawbacks, inadequacies, imperfections, weaknesses). They are basically the same as those of a print thesaurus. [...]

2018-03-22T10:07:27-04:00March 22nd, 2018|Categories: Writing Do’s and Don’t’s|Tags: , |

Its You’re Favorite Pet Peeve! (Signs #10)

Back when I did a series on grammar pet peeves, several readers responded that their own pet peeves were apostrophe errors, especially mistakes involving it's/its and you're/your. This e-letter has never dealt with apostrophe errors simply because I don't [...]

2018-08-15T14:11:44-04:00November 2nd, 2017|Categories: Writing Do’s and Don’t’s|Tags: , |
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