You’re Wearing a Crown of Candles!

Much writing serves to obscure (root: dark) rather than to clarify (root: light) - whether deliberately [insert rant about politicians] or inadvertently. But you and I, gentle reader - we choose to bring light. 

2018-12-12T12:14:19-05:00December 12th, 2018|Categories: Communications Strategies, Inspiration|Tags: , |

How Giving Thanks Is Like Good Writing

Throughout November, we're more or less constantly being exhorted to give thanks. When we respond to those exhortations - or perhaps simply cultivate gratitude as a practice of emotional and spiritual growth - we're likely [...]

2018-11-14T16:31:11-05:00November 14th, 2018|Categories: Communications Strategies, Inspiration|Tags: , , |
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