It’s the darkest season (literally) of the darkest year (figuratively) most of us can remember. So we’re looking for light!

The fairly inept selfie above features me and my HappyLight. (Honest, that’s the brand name.) Twenty minutes or so with this super-bright light every morning helps me stave off seasonal affective disorder (“winter blues”).

This time of year, light matters. It’s no accident that Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa all feature candles.

This year more than any other, light matters. I don’t know about your neighborhood, but around here, lots more people put up outdoor light displays lots earlier than in Decembers past.

When life seems hard, light matters. We look for the light of hope that strengthens and sustains us in dark days.

The coming vaccines top my list. Yours too?

What else? Connections with loved ones, however you can manage them? An awesome playlist? Virtual worship? Walks in the park? The way snow makes everything look new and bright, at least temporarily?

Whatever lightens your darkness, that’s what I wish you as we close out this year. To better times in 2021!